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King Of The Cage Hawaii bound to bring good thing’s to Hawaii MMA fan’s

Get ready guy’s KOTC will be holding Mixed Martial Art’s event’s here in Hawaii “KOTC Hawaii”, and not only will that mean great opportunity’s for our local fighter’s, but with there event’s being broadcasted on cable and satellite TV you can be sure that they will get the exposure that every fighter need’s to get there big break. KOTC’s broadcast reaches over 100 million homes and aires more than 30 times a week. It was founded by Terry Trebilcock in 1998 and has feated fighter Like Quinton Rampage Jackson,Diego Sanchez,Urijah Faber, and much more. If you are a fighter that’s thinking about making MMA your Career, KOTC Hawaii can help. Currently KOTC Hawaii is taking applications for pro and amateur fighters. If you are a female MMA fighter they are also taking application’s for there Queen’s of the cage event’s, no one will be left behind. You can reach them at [email protected],list your Hight,Weight,Fight School,Fight Name and record for both Pro and amateur. Right now it is still a little early to say when there first event might take place, but after speaking with KOTC Hawaii Official’s it look’s like there first show might be an all amateur show probably in March or early April. will be bringing you any new’s or Update’s from KOTC Hawaii as it become’s known.

One Response to “King Of The Cage Hawaii bound to bring good thing’s to Hawaii MMA fan’s”

  1. kotchawaii says:

    Aloha all fighters for an online application you can fill it out and it will automatically file you into to our database, email and an app will be sent back to you fill it out and boom you’re listed. Fighters who have already sent you’re info you have already been filed in our database.



