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Naga Grappling Championships

This Saturday at Radford High School the NAGA “North American Grappling Association” Championships will be kicking off there 11th annual Hawaii Grappling Championships No-Gi & Gi tournament. NAGA is the largest Grappling Tournament in Hawaii. Last year alone there was an estimated 800 plus competitors.Team’s from all over the State and Mainland come to test there skills in this highly competitive event for the chance to be ranked nationally. Pre-registration for this event is now closed but that doesn’t that you still can’t enter. You still can register on Friday between 6-8 PM or on Saturday at 8 AM. Winner’s will be receiving one of these Awesome awards. Custom engraved Samurai Swords,Octagon Medals, or 100 Championship Belts, and everyone who enters will be given a free NAGA Fighter Dog Tag, and remember if your not affiliated with any Club or Academy that does not mean you can’t enter. So be sure to come down and support your local Jiu-Jitsu fighter and watch some great matches.



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